Well... after I wrote "A Look Back"... I actually thought it
only two more year to 25… just two more… why not live the way I wanna live it… crazily...
Upasana: 'U r crazy', my friends often call me! That's the
most interesting part doing unpredictable weirdo wale things...
Doing the things we actually want to do...
If u ask me.. I am actually fed up from the way "how I
am supposed to live"... Illusion living that not just me but everyone
creates... we all… in order to act/behave like "normal" citizens of
normal society...

Who cares... whether I punch, gym, drove high, put the
ear-deaf music...
Whom on this earth we are trying to impress???
None, right... It’s better to be bitten for what u r… then
to be appreciated for what u r not...
And people who matters KNOW u... so let the rest of the
world… R.I.P....
There is a part inside all of us that likes to be totally
crazy... totally geared up to full speed to wildness...
Let's get that part of the box to the platter...
Things I think... are really wacky … I know after a while
I'll b glad I did them…Man I had guts to bite them.... that abnormal something
of the society...
I might feel a bit dizzy or guilty... thinking about the
people who care for me...or m answerable to...However the fact is... I want to
do them...
I am a lil nut… here are the nuts I wanna grap...
2. Dance in the moonlight...
3. Sneaking out of home, spending whole night with
4. Laugh till my stomach pains and eyes flow
5. Drive alone @ 2 in night on full speed on a highway...
6. Do some bike stunts.... wheelie stoppie, high stand,
7. Paint my room myself with different colors...
8. Go on long drive say anywhere some 400-500 kms in open car… driving in turns…
9. Have a most perfect date, with candle-lit dinner and
violins and belly dancers on a beach...
10. Whistle and clap in the movie hall to the fullest...
11. Laugh at any one passing by...
12. To live in a tree house...
13. Go camping, under the stars...
14. Watch the scariest movies in night show...
15. Go roaming around the world... Back-packer style...
16. Make a popat of a policewala...
17. Talking non-stop about nothing from day till night...
18. Putting Maggie all over my friends hair...
19. Making my friends sing Happy B'day like the typical
school classroom style...
20. Opening a champagne and popping the cock on sum1's head!
(Few others, which I
prefer keeping offline... :P)
List done, Fun Undone...