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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Crazy till 25...

Well... after I wrote "A Look Back"... I actually thought it only two more year to 25… just two more… why not live the way I wanna live it… crazily...
Upasana: 'U r crazy', my friends often call me! That's the most interesting part doing unpredictable weirdo wale things...
Doing the things we actually want to do...
If u ask me.. I am actually fed up from the way "how I am supposed to live"... Illusion living that not just me but everyone creates... we all… in order to act/behave like "normal" citizens of normal society...

Come on... there isn't anyone in this world who has time to chart my sanity or for that matter my insanity... (not talking about the Good God!)

Who cares... whether I punch, gym, drove high, put the ear-deaf music...

Whom on this earth we are trying to impress???

None, right... It’s better to be bitten for what u r… then to be appreciated for what u r not...

And people who matters KNOW u... so let the rest of the world… R.I.P....
There is a part inside all of us that likes to be totally crazy... totally geared up to full speed to wildness...

Let's get that part of the box to the platter...

Things I think... are really wacky … I know after a while I'll b glad I did them…Man I had guts to bite them.... that abnormal something of the society...

I might feel a bit dizzy or guilty... thinking about the people who care for me...or m answerable to...However the fact is... I want to do them...

I am a lil nut… here are the nuts I wanna grap...

1. Wanna shout at top of my voice till my throat swells....
2. Dance in the moonlight...
3. Sneaking out of home, spending whole night with friends...
4. Laugh till my stomach pains and eyes flow
5. Drive alone @ 2 in night on full speed on a highway...
6. Do some bike stunts.... wheelie stoppie, high stand, burn-out...
7. Paint my room myself with different colors...
8. Go on long drive say anywhere some 400-500 kms in open car… driving in turns…
9. Have a most perfect date, with candle-lit dinner and violins and belly dancers on a beach...
10. Whistle and clap in the movie hall to the fullest...
11. Laugh at any one passing by...
12. To live in a tree house...
13. Go camping, under the stars...
14. Watch the scariest movies in night show...
15. Go roaming around the world... Back-packer style...
16. Make a popat of a policewala...
17. Talking non-stop about nothing from day till night...
18. Putting Maggie all over my friends hair...
19. Making my friends sing Happy B'day like the typical school classroom style...
20. Opening a champagne and popping the cock on sum1's head!


 (Few others, which I prefer keeping offline... :P)
List done, Fun Undone...


Saturday, May 12, 2012


Sometimes in life we become so blindfolded about things that we love and run after, that we forget to see in what ways is it corrupting us……and at the end of it all, we never find the things we were actually running after, because it was never ours anyway, but we end up becoming something that we were actually not.

So one fine day when we realize that a wild goose chase has done us no good, it has infact consumed all our energy and vibrancy, it has made us do bad to people who actually cared, who were there with us all along, but we never noticed them because we took them for granted in this maddening chase, we realize that they all have already moved too far, and you are left with nothing, no energy, vibrancy or trust from people who actually cared.

So what do you do then?

Apologize to people whom you have hurt badly?

That won’t be the solution I guess…..

the best thing possible that could be done now is to pave the way that you broke while running, putting each stone step by step, making sure that nobody ever falls again from the road of trust that you have built.

And maybe that would be the best thing that you could do for people who actually cared.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Learning to Better with Change...

Change: the only permanent thing in the world...We believe it or not but that's a FACT... There are these changes which help us be tougher and more distinguished as a person...ofcourse that has to be a constructive change!!! But there are these natural changes to which we adapt and there are these "wanted-changes" to which we want to adapt ourselves... like having a routine lifestyle, or losing some kilos or as simple as waking up early or as difficult as getting out of some debt... We might be trying to make time for working on as I call it "MY VENTURE" — something like writing a book, or renovating a house or preparing for competition...
These changes take a lot of time, effort and sweat...
See...Whatever our objective is, we know it’s going to make a big transformation to our life. That's why we are making an effort towards it... We may have plenty of reasons to accomplish it … but that’s not always ample.

Ok...Let’s talk on a day to day level; it can be really tough to steadily take actions that lead towards our goal. For instance, if we’re aiming to lose 5 Kilos, our aim might seem so far off that it’s hardly worth skipping dessert today. If we need to pay off say, Rs. 50,000 of credit bills, then that Rs. 100 Coffee at Barista seems entirely trivial.
Remember, every big goal, though, is achieved by a whole series of tiny footsteps. Sure, one dessert doesn't mean much in the context of your whole diet but if we end up eating dessert every day, we’re pretty soon going to give up on the diet entirely. Similarly, Rs.100 won’t do much to get us out of debt but a whole bunch of tiny savings will soon add up.
As I said, we may have hundreds of motives but if we’re struggling to see the long-term picture, then we can't put-in the 100% effort...
Let's try one or more of these five tips to help ourselves see that long-term picture clearly:

Point 1: My WHYs
So, we have a reason to change — probably several reasons. Grab a piece of paper, or open up a document on your computer, and write down exactly why this change is important. What benefits are there? What consequences will there be if we don’t change?
Let’s list our reasons,  as bullet-points, if we want, or we can write a few paragraphs describing how our life will be once we’ve achieved our goal. It’s a good idea to write this in the present tense, to help make it more immediate and real.
Here’s my Try:
Losing 5 Kilos means:
·         Being healthier and fitter
·         A new wardrobe!
·         Feeling attractive and confident
I’m out of debt, and I feel so much happier. I’m sleeping well at night, and little ups and downs don’t stress me out. So many more options are open to me now. Moreover, I learned to save!

Point 2: Easy by Default
We all know all change requires work … but the easier we can make things, the higher our chances of staying on the right path.
We can try to set things up in such a way so that making the right choice is the default option. For instance, if you’re trying to save up an emergency fund, set up an automatic transfer out of your checking account every month — that way, you have to take action to not transfer the money.
Definitely, It’s worth investing some time and energy at the start of a big change (when our motivation is naturally high) to get good systems in place. If we’re dieting, you could stock the cupboards with healthy food, and work out a few easy and healthy meals that you can cook on a regular basis.

Point 3: What's Next
Sometimes, the finish line is so far away that we can’t really see it. Perhaps we’re working on a huge project like a book, and we don’t really have much grasp of when we can expect to finish. Maybe we’ve got a long way to go in order to get out of debt or reach a healthy weight, and it’s discouraging to think of how many months or years it’ll take.
Instead of worrying about the finish line, focus on the next milestone. For instance, if we’re writing a book, our first milestone could be to write the first 10,000 words; the next milestone might be to reach 25,000 words. If we’re getting out of debt, many experts will recommend the “debt snowball” method, where you pay off the smallest debt first, then gradually work our way up.

Point 4: Mark it Up!
Once we've started to succeed, do everything we can to motivate ourselves to stay on track. One great trick is to put a check mark on the calendar for every day (or every week, depending on the goal) that we take action.
Supposing, if the ultimate goal is to write a book, and we've decided that a good way to do that is by writing 300 words every day. That’s not very much (it’s about a third of this blog post: P) but those 300 words each day will add up to a 60,000 word book within seven months. To reduce the temptation to skip a day when we’re feeling unmotivated, check off each day that we hit our 300 word target: once we’ve got a string of check marks, we won’t want to break it.

Point 5: Enjoy Achiever!
Once we've reached a major milestone, celebrate! Go out for dinner, open that good heart out, have fun. We've been saving, so let’s treat ourselves with a new book or DVD, book a vacation … whatever works for us (and our budget ;)).

Let other people know, too. Post an announcement on Facebook, or write a blog post about the success achieved. Almost certainly we goanna get dozens of “Congratulations!” messages — plus we might just inspire someone else to start working towards a goal of their own.

Start Changing Better… J

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Look Back...

I'm currently suffering from this typhoid fever... A blessing in disguise is... I got time to sit and think about myself... Something I rarely do.. reasons well, are unknown... What I actually realized while gazing on the cupola of my room, lying on the bed is.. Girl, you are gonna be 25 in just next 2 years!!!


It just seemed that my life just flied by so fast that I hardly had time to catch my breath...There is an old saying that you need to "stop and smell the roses" and it is so true. The first ten years of my life as I reflect on them took forever to pass... I don't have clue of the world life... all mattered was family, friends, toys....
The next five passed a little quicker and the next five just vanished...

Now I find myself thinking about the years I have left and I don't want to waste them.... None of us have promised bouquets for tomorrow or even kisses for today...

Think about all the hours we waste on saying stupid hurtful things to our loved ones (and why, are we just tired?). Think about the hours and days we waste on TV or selfish things that steal time from our families or our walk with the Lord. Actually, nothing is wrong with some "me" time as long as "you" don't forget who "me" is...

Sometimes...A look back is required, in order to realize... how far you have come!! :P

Brief Catch up!!!


I've been having a little siesta from blogger lately. I've been suffering from what we all know as "disappearance". Actually almost 1.5 years, since the last time I wrote... I had too much to write to share but I guess there was this "writers block" or more like blogger's block! It's been hard to know what to write about lately...
When you have so much to have to actually "word" your thoughts!  So, after an 1.5 years-wala long break, am back with a zillion thoughts to share!! :)

Stay Tuned!! :)