We all make loads of mistake in life...and its said that to err is human...also...to learn is human...
I have gone and grown through life,infact, we all have...
There are these 7 rules I'm setting for myself...Hope they are benefical not only for me but for all.....
So, here are my 7 personal Life rules...
1. Make decisions and never look back
Not being able to make crucial decisions, and questioning them afterwards, is a sign of low self-esteem and it always leads to fear and doubt. This can eat a person up.
I will try to make decisions quick and to believe in them. If they turn out to be wrong, I will learn and move on.
Whatever you do, always act, analyze and adopt.
2. Avoid procrastination
Postponing leads to fear, fear to depression. You become passive and are a victim to anything negative that happens in your life.
Action and taking control is the ONLY way out of this vicious cycle.
3. Be grateful for the good things in your life every single day
Appreciation and thankfulness are the two greatest traits one can have. They will ALWAYS bring in positive results.Look around, there are so many things that you can be thankful for. Even if your situation seems hopeless at the moment, there is always something beautiful to appreciate and something to be thankful for. Out of this thankfulness and appreciation often comes something wonderful, unexpected. We’ve witnessed this so many times.
4. Find your inner voice and always act in accordance with it
This is a tough one.
YOUR inner voice is something that is pure, unspoiled by society and your ego. Therefore it will always tell you the truth and the best solution for a situation.
The catch is, that it’s not so easy to filter out your inner voice, because it’s surrounded by fear and insecurity.
I cannot tell how many mistakes I’ve made because I didn’t listen to my inner voice telling me.... NO!
5. Never judge and never validate things, events or people
This life rule is a revelation and will get a HUGE weight from your shoulders if you try this...
I can Promise on this.
6. Always be flexible, say YES more often
There is a movie with Jim Carrey called "Yes Man" where, because of a commitment, he always has to say Yes! to everything for an entire year. During this time, his life turned out in crazy and surprisingly positive ways.
Of course this is just a movie, but the fact is that I left out many positive opportunities in my life because of fear. I often said NO instead of YES.Inflexibility is stopping life from flowing. Being flexible means grabbing opportunities, and opportunities are a way to grow.
Say YES! more often.
7. Always have goals, without goals you are a manless ship heading nowhere
It is of major importance to not only have a life goal, but goals in every area of your life for the near future.
Since, I have told you these rules which I wish to follow...you might be thinking what are the benefits to follow these rules...
So here are the benefits or you can say the
goals covered by these rules........
- determine the direction in which we want to go and focus on what WE want
- they focus our thinking and energy
- will distract us from negative experiences
- create a positive self-image and increases self-confidence
- make us take charge of our life
- allow that new possibilities will open up
- increase our motivation to carry out all necessary steps to achieve them
- give us measurable results
Happy Following.... :)