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Friday, November 5, 2010

13 * 3 Things AT-TAG-ED

I was tagged by one of my dear friends to do this... So, here it  goes....

* 3 Famous Names of Mine: Upa (people in my family n some of my closest friends call me by that name); Upii (another family name!!), Upasi (only my pa call me by that name, when he’s utterly happy with me!)
* 3 Things that make me Smile: Sweet nothings, Music and swinging on Swings… :)
* 3 Things that I Love: Paranthas, Coconut Water, Ice-cream… (All for one amazing reason!!!)
* 3 Things I don't understand: Financial stuff (my dad's tried explaining more times than i can count), why people are so pseudo, Loopy talks…
* 3 Things I like about myself: Patience, Adaptiveness and love for Life …
* 3 Things I can't do: Shout out loud, refuse my mom and face some truths (ironic!!!)….
* 3 Things that Scare Me: Umm…. I guess its Darkness (thanks to horror movies that I love to watch…hehe…), Sudden Shocks (they kill your several heartbeats…) and Dramatic sounding Diseases (ehhhh…..)
* 3 Things I think you should listen to: Bollywood oldies (they are the most soulful numbers), Music on my playlist (towards top right), your heart…
* 3 Shows I watched as a Kid: Tom & Jerry (still do…sometimes!!!), Scooby Doo, and Flintstones (loved it)…
* 3 Things I want in a Relationship: Trust, Togetherness and Talks…
* 3 Things of the Opposite Sex that appeal to me: Intelligence, Confidence, Decency…
* 3 Favorite Fictitious Characters: Vito Corleone, Forrest Gump, Dumbledore...
* 3 Things I hate about myself: Laziness, resultant weight gain and my stupid thoughts…

huh....Finally over.... :p

Start Over Again....

In love with the Addison Road songs...they are so true and touchy and at the same time encouraging and uplifting...hands off for the b'utiful lyrics....

Open up your eyes
Awake, arise
Love like a hand reaches down
And pulls us up from the dirty ground

Now is the time
To step from the dark into the light
Cause you can’t change what you’ve done
But you can choose who you’ll become

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again

If you feel ashamed
Of the choices that you’ve made
You can be whole again
And return to your innocence

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again

Yesterday is gone
Today is all you’ve got
You don’t have to be who you’ve been
You can change within
It’s never too late
To start over again

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again
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What Are PROBLEMS????

Life….Life is full of problems…each one among has some problem or other. And each and every problem of ours’ seems to be a big hurdle to us. Everyone among us is fighting a battle every day in some way. Imagine life without problems, it will be utopia… ah! Perfect life… but perfection is so boring… Problems make us alive!

So, what basically is P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S?

Predictors: They help mold our future.

Reminders: We are not self- sufficient. We need good and others to help.

Opportunities: They pull us out of our root and cause us to think creatively.

Blessings: They open up doors we usually don’t go through.

Lessons: Each new challenge will be our teacher.

Everywhere: No place or person is excluded from them.

Messages: They warn us about potential disaster.

Solvable: No problem is without a solution.

What all in can say is…

Life is a twister…Accept it... Bear it… Live it... When problems smile at you… Give them your best smile…!!!

Keep Smiling... :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


... to today that feels like new pleasant first day of Spring...
... to the perfectly imperfect girl who wants change...
... to Ma for all the nagging and that morning’s inadvertant push...which has been fruitful now....
... to the crap song that I seem to like....
... to the new lifestyle-denoting acronym which isn’t one anymore....
... to the rediscovered colouring book and my poems....
... to the starred email in my inbox, typed with “Infy”....
... to the “bestest” friend who should be on a gondola at sunset under the Bridge of Sighs right now...
... to the recharge battery who owes me a big hot chocolate fudge for this...
... to the “full-time friend”, my telepathic co-pilot with the Midnight Phone Call syndrome...
... to 2 o’ clock nights...
I offer no explanation, but I am very kicked, zinged,verved....
I’ve wanted to start afresh for a very long time....

So, I do...all garbage OUT...

Why Grass is Greener on other Side...

Food for thought...
So this long break has been pretty relaxing.... I have had the time to give some thought to things i wouldn't otherwise think about..maybe..I don't know...

I have often heard people (me being among those people) whine and complain about how the grass is always greener on the other it really the case though???maybe???? I don't know...
When i was younger...much younger..say about 7 or 8 I would look at my parents and my elder sibling and want to be grown I am 21...grown up, most people would agree....Is this really what i wanted when I was little? All these responsibilities and independence? At this point i think i would give a hand and a leg to go back to being 5 or 6 or even younger. Not have a worry in the world, get away with anything I do cause everyone else thinks it is cute...would't that be wonderful???? I started to understand things...My dreamworld broke into pieces...I always disliked school for that initally...those big boring assemblies...those tests....P.T. sessions....ehhh....I hated the fact that I had to read the history book...then those big chemistry books later...uhh...I never wish to hold these books again in my life...But, as the years part by I started to enjoy the school....the teachers...the canteen rounds..those amazing group of friends whom you never wish to leave....On the farewell day...when I came back home...when I actually felt...its going to be over....At that point, I would give anything to just be in school be with those kind of friends forever...

Then my parents decided to send me to college and hostel followed.... I hated it when i was there. Couldn't wait to get the hell out of hostel that we often compared to a jail.... We hated the food, hated the routein, hated the warden, hated almost everything that was associated with it other than our friends. Finally I graduated this year and then I remember crying like the world was ending.... Suddenly the food seemed to be the best food ever, the teachers, our support system and friends of course are the best friends we will ever make....
Then for the last three months all I have ever wanted was to go back to hostel.... Its the same feeling of not wanting to grow up that I had when i left school.... I love it and I miss everything about the chats, the food, the music, the parties, the hang outs, the teachers, friends...everything, yet it seems like I could do with another year or two... I think it may be that I am not ready to let go....cause I don't know when I will ever see them again.... I am not trying to justify why I feel the way I feel rather i am just wondering if the grass once again seems to be greener on the other side...

That being said, I'm yet to have a job with Infosys and I have a year commitment to the corps, ofcourse if the training goes all gaga....eventhough its my dream job...again all I ever want to do is not to leave home and go off to Karnataka for months....knowing the fact that I might not be able to see some most b'utiful faces for a lifetime... Though, I know that when my commitment to the corps is over I will not want to leave.... My job will be tedious and I'll complain a lot about it but going by the record do I'll really want this to be over and to move on??? I am not sure...
Earlier this year when I was close to graduating I needed to figure out my life so I was looking for jobs and applying to different places on net... But as far by now you have even known, I was convinced that when I did find a job it would be very likely that I wouldn't want it.... In that case then it would be much simpler to just not stress about finding a job and figuring out my life since when I would have it i would not want it???? Yet i couldn't just not stress about it coz at that point in time thats all i wanted...isn't that ironic?

So, coming to think of it we humans are really silly...we spend our entire life running behind things we think we want yet when we have it we realize that that is not what we want.... In this quest for one things after another we fail to appreciate what we have some much beautiful colors at hand...happiness, relationships, friendships, our roots and the values that come with it..what not. How many times have we been there for a friend? How many times have we appreciated what we have that millions don't? How many times have we been thankful for a new day? How many times have we tolerated non sense from people that shouldn't matter yet paid no heed to those that care and in turn let go of a friendship, or a relationship? I may be be able to count these on one hand alone yet I have lost count of how often I have chased something I wanted and then not been happy when I have had it....
Appreciate and be thankful....

Thanks for reading...I appreciate your patience... :D
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Never ending ladder...

The it any ladder..a ladder to success...a ladder of worries...whatever kind of ladder you may'll agree when I say that Ladder never ends... As we climb up rungs and live under the illusion or fallacy that we’ve secured one more victory in life, we look towards sky and realize the ladder just got longer, the end somewhere out of sight, beyond the clouds… Sky is a limit but then you wish to cross it to...but that's being optimist...
Actually, all your life we can keep climbing the ladder in the quest to reach the top and never get there! This can be perceived in two ways – the optimist’s dream and the pessimist’s nightmare. The optimist sees this as ambition – a way to push oneself towards achieving more and more. The pessimist knows that this means being insatiable – never satisfied with what one has in life....but that's life...choose it anyway...

While on the way up, a hand may be extended at us for help. Grab it and help, because one good turn deserves another. Once we are higher, we might need a helping hand ourself. It is also true that at every rung scaled, a mad multitude of hands will crop out of nowhere to rip, drag & pummel us down somewhere sometime...
Also we all know that, the success of one indeed poisons the minds of many. While many take joy in the success of one, there are others who do not think of how to replicate such success for themselves but plot how to displace the one who’s higher up somewhere on the ladder. Terminally, the seeds of misery are sown & the chalice of woe tipped over. No one emerges a winner. But in the Almighty’s courtyard, there will be justice for all. For one cannot wage a war against one’s destiny, and what is fated to happen shall play itself out.
But the lesson needs to be learnt - Survival is not the sole mantra. Surviving peacefully, with contentment ,without malice towards others is! And this will give you what no amount of wealth or fame can provide – adoration & respect of loved ones and the greatest treasure of them all – Happiness...
Therefore, live the optimist’s dream....

Keep Climbing...Keep Shining...Keep Smiling... :)

Who will Cry when you cry...

Have you ever thought and thought over something so much, that it hurt??????
So much so ,that it leaves you staring at the ceiling wondering if you're on the verge of going insane........ Sometimes all you see is all pervading madness around you, even though its ironically just confined to the realms of your head. You've tried looking at things with an open-mind so much so that you feel that your head's almost falling apart from all that open-ness.....

You feel like you're losing it and are dying for some perspective....
Any perspective, as long as its not yours b'coz you've had too much of that and it actually kills you....
You start to act all clandestine hoping that someone picks up signals and listens to what you're not saying....
Sometimes that doesn't really work, so you try to reach out to you're friends and talk to them, ask them if you are losing it after all, without having them be all judgmental and think that you're on a one way trip to banana-land..
But it isn't all that easy finding a listener, is it????
Who do you confide in? Not all you're million friends are listeners.

The difference between the both hits you like a bus on the road now....... Problems in life aren't rare, so everyone may not be particularly generous in sympathizing with you. You don't blame them though- after all, to each his problem..... You therefore start convincing yourself into not making a big deal out of this and just wait patiently till your head stops spinning. Which it doesn't.....So you just wait, for nothing actually....
Yet amidst all this, someone finds you- a friend, a not-so friend, a random guy who sat beside you on the white bench at the park, someone on your friend's list you haven't struck a conversation with, someone you don't know..... Someone you have absolutely no pretensions with, someone who makes you just split wide open, someone you can just talk to- without the slightest iota fear or shame, someone who breaks the dam, someone who thinks and puts your perspective in place..... Someone who's like a ray of light in that tunnel.....Someone who listens.....

Things that scared you all this while now start to make some sense, if not all, with a lil bit of help from someone.... Any someone....
The clarity you missed all this while brings a smile to your face, You feel like its rained on your garden after years.... You know that it is possible to share some things with some people and not end up feeling like a fool at the end of it.
And suddenly life doesn't seem all that bad..... Life isnt really all that bad come to think of it.
Its all about finding someone though.....just that SOMEONE!!!
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Linear Expansion Coefficient == 5

Meme...yup! some more about me stuff...just got Tagged by my niece Timtimmi....she is a sparkle of eyes of I got to actually include it here....Again an About-Me session...phew!!
The title would be justified as you go further...its a linearly equated 5

5 things found in my bag
Er, I don’t carry my bag anywhere except when am not wearing jeans or I have to go shopping, so there’s nothing very interesting in it.
  • Water Bottle - a must as my ma says...
  •  Probably,Book which I am currently reading...
  • Hanky- another must from ma...
  • Money...
  • Sometimes Pen, Notebook, Kajal or others useless stuff....
5 favourite things in my room
  • The Silver Man- My Presently acquired HP G-62
  • The Old Man – My Compu...My desktop presently ill... 
  • The little Man – My Phone...
  • The Man with views – My showcase...My
  • The Man's home - A cute little piggy bank...on a verge to bankrupt!!!
5 things I have always wanted to do
  • Get the long hairs....I die to have them... 
  • Loose some kilos and inches...cummon man! not a big thing...
  • Take ma pa on a World tour...
  • Taste very damn good vegetarian recipie of the world...
  • Own a big comfy car with my own salary!!
5 things I am currently into
  • Home Hons.
  • Some TOC and Let us C
  • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
  • English Songs and Oldies goldies of Bollywood
  • Blogging and Fb
5 things I torture
  • Myself...hehe
  • My pages and pen....I write so much wrongs... ;)
  • My friends... I always have something to eat their knee caps with!!
  • My Fb status tag  box
  • My Room...the last thing I wish to do is to Clean my room....its my mess and I Love it..
I hope my cutipie is all twinkling now...

Happily tagged!!! :P

Recently Found...


In (vastly) decreasing order of effectiveness...

1.Be crazy.

2.Be bad.

3.Be good.

And this led me to this realization. I often hear that it's a crazy world. I am joining that club...
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You are even welcome to join in........

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Childhood…well, my childhood was amazing… caring and most adorable parents…protective elder sister…when I still look at those photographs I can make out that everyone in the family loved me from the very start…I myself remember some foggy images of that times…seriously childhood was fun… when what you care the most in the world is for your ma’s arms, your father’s shoulder and dancing with your sister, having your beloveds around always to pamper you…

My grandmother was the most generous lady I ever saw…I have never even saw getting more older… just few white hairs and some wrinkles as I remembered…always hymning some bhajan which was melodious indeed…but the lyrics seemed so tough I never cared to remember them though… but she always tried with a kind smile to teach us the verse… I have seen for years like this simply beautiful…may be people used to bless her with such prayers… she was one of her kind…

When she expired I was so tender to know what had happened…. Why everyone around was crying… I was crying just because ma was crying… I actually couldn’t understand that thing at that moment…I understand it now and it’s very sad…

I saw none like her now…she was wonderful….

I never said her but I guess...she would have known… I love u… we all do…

Saturday, September 18, 2010

7 Life Rules...

We all make loads of mistake in life...and its said that to err is learn is human...
I have gone and grown through life,infact, we all have...
There are these 7 rules I'm setting for myself...Hope they are benefical not only for me but for all.....
So, here are my 7 personal Life rules...

1. Make decisions and never look back
Not being able to make crucial decisions, and questioning them afterwards, is a sign of low self-esteem and it always leads to fear and doubt. This can eat a person up.
I will try to make decisions quick and to believe in them. If they turn out to be wrong, I will learn and move on.
Whatever you do, always act, analyze and adopt.

2. Avoid procrastination
Postponing leads to fear, fear to depression. You become passive and are a victim to anything negative that happens in your life.
Action and taking control is the ONLY way out of this vicious cycle.

3. Be grateful for the good things in your life every single day
Appreciation and thankfulness are the two greatest traits one can have. They will ALWAYS bring in positive results.Look around, there are so many things that you can be thankful for. Even if your situation seems hopeless at the moment, there is always something beautiful to appreciate and something to be thankful for. Out of this thankfulness and appreciation often comes something wonderful, unexpected. We’ve witnessed this so many times.

4. Find your inner voice and always act in accordance with it
This is a tough one.
YOUR inner voice is something that is pure, unspoiled by society and your ego. Therefore it will always tell you the truth and the best solution for a situation.
The catch is, that it’s not so easy to filter out your inner voice, because it’s surrounded by fear and insecurity.
I cannot tell how many mistakes I’ve made because I didn’t listen to my inner voice telling me.... NO!

5. Never judge and never validate things, events or people
This life rule is a revelation and will get a HUGE weight from your shoulders if you try this...
I can Promise on this.

6. Always be flexible, say YES more often
There is a movie with Jim Carrey called "Yes Man" where, because of a commitment, he always has to say Yes! to everything for an entire year. During this time, his life turned out in crazy and surprisingly positive ways.
Of course this is just a movie, but the fact is that I left out many positive opportunities in my life because of fear. I often said NO instead of YES.Inflexibility is stopping life from flowing. Being flexible means grabbing opportunities, and opportunities are a way to grow.
Say YES! more often.

7. Always have goals, without goals you are a manless ship heading nowhere
It is of major importance to not only have a life goal, but goals in every area of your life for the near future.

Since, I have told you these rules which I wish to might be thinking what are the benefits to follow these rules...
So here are the benefits or you can say the goals covered by these rules........
  • determine the direction in which we want to go and focus on what WE want
  • they focus our thinking and energy
  • will distract us from negative experiences
  • create a positive self-image and increases self-confidence
  • make us take charge of our life
  • allow that new possibilities will open up
  • increase our motivation to carry out all necessary steps to achieve them
  • give us measurable results 
Happy Following.... :)
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

These lyrics are awesome....I feel addicted when I hear this one.......M still High!!

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, 
you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face
let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes
saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me
if ever I fall
You say it best
when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear 
people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, 
you drown out the crowd
Try as they may they can never define
What's being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face 
let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes 
saying you'll never leave me 
The touch of your hand says
you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best 
when you say nothing at all..

Isn't it just beautiful? You'll fall in luv........

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What a Girl Really wants....

You know what really turns a girl on????? So what what your mind says....Kisses and hugs.... Temme if it has to be something.....  More than kisses more than hugs more than anything in this world.....Well, to tell you the fact it is - Honesty.

If you are in a relationship of any kind with a girl - friend, mother, sister, girl friend..anyone,if you are not yourself with her, if you are not honest with her you are gonna lose her respect if not her...
I say only respect and not her because girls have this weird habit of letting it go and giving another chance. For them the relationship is just too important to give up on you that easily...

Even if you go and make out with another girl, even if you are a drug addict, even if you bitched about her, even if you think that you need space, even if you think that she is too possessive..even if you are married to another woman..but you still want to be with her..just come and tell her! believe me she'd eventually forgive you and still love you as much. I mean I know guys who the world thinks can be the best catch, but the reality is they are the biggest jerks of all the times!!!

For God's sake always be honest with her! She expects you to share all your troubles with her. If she's told you that she loves you that automatically means that she's gonna listen to all your troubles and try and make you comfortable as best as she can. Once she has fallen in love with you trust me she has already stopped judging you!! So kindly have the courage to tell her what you truly feel and what blunders you have truly committed! She will scold you only because it hurts to see someone she loves in trouble. You know she'd find out the truth anyway. But if YOU go and tell her, you'd not only feel lighter but also will earn her respect!!!

Even if you are oh-not-so-cool dude, please dont try and act like one!! thats so bloody irritating!!
Plz "Be yourself".... I'd rather marry a simple shirt-pant vala honest guy who has the guts to be himself and accepts what he is than a wannabe dude with so called super cool ultra low waist jeans and chains or whatever u call those ugly things hanging around the belt but doesn't know shit about his roots and is too ashamed to accept that he is originally from, say, some small village near Ramgarh!!

I am not a feminist nor any "Lady Bheem" and well what ever I just said about how girls give another chance and everything might be true for boys too. Basically, the bottom line is I rather we all HATE LIARS and we even HATE PEOPLE WHO PRETEND!!!
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Me v/s Myself

Happened before the dream last night...battle of me's and my'selves...

Me: I am tired....
Myself:  No, it is just the Monsoon humidity doing rounds...
Me: But it never happened to me before...
Myself: Yes, sitting in front of the computer without any exercise can do that to you...
Me: I should exercise! go to walk....
Myself: I have heard that one before, more than once actually!
Me: I think I will wake up early tomorrow...
Myself: LOL.
Me: I will. I am going to sleep early...
Myself: Just to exercise or for walking??
Me: No. I have to study too.
Myself: Oh yes, I almost forgot to remind you that your big day is less than 3 months away.
Me: I haven't forgotten but I have just not been able to make the time...(smug)
Myself: It is convenient to make reasons...
Me: Ok, I know I have been a loser.
Myself: But it is not too late. Don't give up in the  last lap....
Me: I am trying.....
Myself: No, you are not but you should. I know I can!
Me: Oh, in all this hopelessness, I have something to look forward to....
Myself: Going to shopping!!
Me: It might just be the break I need. But not exactly it...
Myself: Its meeting friend/s...nah...its confusia...
Me: What is the first thing you think I should do?
Myself: Get your priorities right.
Me: Ok, don't be so mean...
Myself: Isn't it hardwired in me?
Me: Yeah, yeah, but I want it no more now.
Myself: I will try not to be rude if you stick to our word.
Myself: Good. Now, go sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow.
Me: Uh...Good Night..Sleep Tight..Sweet Dreams...All the Night...
Myself:Take the blanket over...
Me:No..I have to sleep over...
Myself:Your wish...
Me:Where is the Blanket?
Myself: Right there...
Me:Fine.Good Night now...shit...Gotto make a call...
Myself: Not now..
Myself: No..sleep...gotto wake up early...
Me:(made one picked!)...ehhhhhhh........GOOD NIGHT.....
Myself: :)
Me: (dreaming)!!!

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In Love with Ghost....

This one is strictly inspired by an unusual dream I had last night...yup!!! I dreamed of a Ghost...and the funniest part...I was in Love with Him/It (whatever....)...
In the late morning today...I actually thought how it will be to be in love with a Ghost...(like in movie Paheli...which I saw last weekend...on tv) and finally this is what I got from the thought....

1. The best part....Your parents can never catch you with him, leave alone the aunties or uncles (whom you might not know but they can find you anywhere among thousands of people)...  because all he has to do is disappear....
2. Body odour and bad breath is NEVER an issue...
3. You don't have to worry about your love getting hurt in an accident (ghost -> already dead).
4. No problems with punctuality from your sweetsoul's end (no heart, remember)....
5. You don't need to be afraid of the dark anymore, your love's got excellent night vision...
6." Think of me, and I'll be there" really works in this case...
7. The 'walking through walls' ability saves you a lot of trouble when you lock yourself...
8. Always giving you small appearing surprises...
9. Can come to meet you anytime of day...and even in night... ;)
10.Even death cannot do you apart...


1. Serious lack of privacy...
2. Lack of physical presence...
3. Cannot be introduced to your parents / friends / relatives / boss...
4. Annoying disappearing act in the middle of heated arguments...
5. Can't go for long walks during the day...
6. Can't play hide n seek...
7. You would never know if he's cheating on you, because he'd never smell of another woman's perfume...hehe...
8. You can't exactly break up, especially if he isn't willing to....
9. Poses a serious threat to your next lover....
10. Always worried about him passing over to the next world....

umm...what else is left to say..

Happy Ghosting.. :)
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You lie so cutely, I don't even feel like breaking it to you that I know abt it.
IN FACT, I enjoy it!!!!! :D

That's the best part of it....

**music playing in the background (on radio...) while I write this.... Tum mile to jaadu chaa gaya....tum mile to jeena agaya...tum mile to maine paya h khuda............**

On a totally different note,
 Who breaks our heart???? One amongst us.... right????
And who can heal it with love and care???? Again one amongst us....
Our little world is so self-reliant. We only need to put together correct combinations...... But..... before you reach a state where you have all the correct combinations in the world you might get n(n-1)-n/2 incorrect ones, n being the number of hearts,
But the good news is there is an upper limit to the number of incorrections........

In short, hope prevails.....let it.....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Proud to be an Indian.......

Since, Yesterday was Independence Day,I ponder on Things we should know about our India...There are many things about this beautiful country that we still don't are few of can add up  things that you think I left...I know I have left many....
The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat. INDIA has been called Bharat even in Satya yuga ( Golden Age ) More interesting facts about India
  • The name `India’ is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the early settlers. 
  •  The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu. The name `Hindustan’ combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers to the land of the Hindus.
  • The number system was invented by India. Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero.
  • Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all higher languages. This is because it is the most precise, and therefore suitable language for computer software. 
  • Chess was invented in India.
  • Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies which originated in India.
  • The' place value system' and the 'decimal system' were developed in 100 BC in India.

  • The first six Mogul Emperor's of India ruled in an unbroken succession from father to son for two hundred years, from 1526 to 1707.
  • The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The shikhara is made from a single ' 80-tonne ' piece of granite. Also, this magnificient temple was built in just five years, (between 1004 AD and 1009 AD)  during the reign of Rajaraja Chola
  • India is the Largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest country in the world and one of the most ancient and living civilizations (at least 10, 000 years old). 
  • The game of snakes, ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called  'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices. The game was played with cowrie shells and dices. Later through time,  the game underwent several modifications but the meaning is the same i.e good deeds take us to heaven and evil to a cycle of re-births.
  • The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh. Built in 1893 after levelling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 meters above sea level.
  • The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The father of medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
  • Although modern images & descriptions of India often show poverty, India was one of the richest countries till the time of British in the early 17th Century. 

  • The art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river Sindh 6000 over years ago. The very word 'Navigation' is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.
  • Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. His calculations was - Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: ( 5th century ) 365.258756484 days.
  • The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, which was long before the European mathematicians.
  • Algebra, trigonometry and calculus also orignated from India.  Quadratic equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10*53 ( i.e 10 to the power of 53 ) with specific names as early as 5000 B.C.  during the Vedic period.  Even today, the largest used number is Tera: 10*12( 10 to the power of 12 ).
  •  Until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds to the world. ( Source . Gemological Institute of America )
  • The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.
  • Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India medicine. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, embryology, digestion, metabolism,  physiology, etiology, genetics and immunity is also found in many ancient Indian texts.

Facts to make every Indian proud

Q. Who is the co-founder of Sun Microsystems?
A. Vinod Khosla

A. Vinod Dahm

Q. Who is the creator of Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today's computers run on it)?

Q. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web based email program)?
A. Sabeer Bhatia

Q. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)?
A. Arun Netravalli

Q. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard?
A. Rajiv Gupta

Q. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems?
A. Sanjay Tejwrika

Q. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart?
A. Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar.

Q. Who is the co-founder of USB?
A.Ajay Batt.

I hope it was an add up to your knowledge......
Happy Independence Day.... :)

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